Tim + Loni

May 30, 2008

Last weekend after doing a wedding with my boss, I came back to Brookings to do some reception and dance photos for my friend Tim and his new wife Loni. My favorites:

Landsman family: to view images from Tim & Loni’s wedding dance, along with family photos, click here.

Enhancing files

May 30, 2008

Some people wonder what really goes into ‘touching up’ a photo. Some think that photos should not be altered at all. I believe in making subtle changes that enhance both the subject and the overall image, without changing personal features that make the subject look like someone different.

Here is an example of what I would call ‘enhancing’ or ‘touching up’ a file. You can see the before (above) next to the after (below).


Most of the proofs that you receive are un-touched, but sometimes I get excited and start editing some of my favorites. :-) Everything that is ordered will be touched up at no additional cost.

Weddings with Jael

May 27, 2008

I love doing weddings with my boss, Jael because I get to photograph a lot of the details and candid moments while she is working with the bride, groom, family and wedding party. I love doing weddings on my own, too, but when I’m with her I feel a lot more relaxed because it’s not up to me to get all the important shots. :-)

Here are some from this past weekend:

And some from the weekend before:

(It’s hard to post when I’m in the middle of moving to a new place, plus spending as much time as I can with my best friend who just left for Guatemala yesterday!! Miss you, Ash!)

For all of you upcoming Seniors in Rosholt, I will be returning home once a month this summer to do senior portrait sessions! Here are the dates:

June 21, 22, 23

July 19. 20. 21

August 23, 24, 25

Let me know if any of these dates work for you! If not, we can always work something else out. Hope you are enjoying your last few days of class!

I haven’t had many photographic opportunities lately, so I thought I would entertain you all by sharing some of my favorite wedding moments! :-)

1) The uncooperative flower girl.

2) The first look.

3) The occasional ring misplacement.

4) Parent hugs (they’re the best!)

5) Loving gazes… *moment* :-)

6) Grandparents

7) Grandparents kissing. :-)

8) Kids!

9) Root beer kegs

10) Beer

11) Couples hiding beer from other people taking photos of them :-)

12) Bling!

13) Dances!


Hope you enjoyed seeing what I love so much about photographing weddings!


May 6, 2008

It seems like all of my friends are getting engaged! The most recent couple: Kelli & Jesse.

Here is a photo of Kelli and her ring: